Sneak Peek for the Week

Someday 1 - 7, 2011

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Swish and Swipe

Zone 3 Mission #1 Monday

Dear Friends:

We are back in the bathroom! Here is a really simple mission for you. Clear off the counter tops and flat surfaces, put away the medicines, the toothbrushes, the cosmetics, etc. Bathroom counters are hotspots for all of us but we don't think of them as hotspots because we think we NEED the stuff, so we just let it sit. PUT THESE THINGS AWAY! Do not get sidetracked with emptying out your cabinets and drawers. Just get rid of the stuff that is on the counter-tops and other flat surfaces.

The Other Room is your kids rooms; if you don't have a kid room then tackle the worst room in your home for 15 minutes each day. Summer will be here before we know it! Set your timer for 15 minutes and work quickly. The first mission is to take the clothes out of one drawer. Get rid of the clothing that does not fit to make room for shorts and summer clothing. Zone 3 Mission #2 Tuesday

Dear Friends:

Today we are going to shine our tubs or showers! We have talked about shinning our sinks since you started and we want you take 5 or 10 minutes to shine that tub or shower. Do not get obsessed with the tub being perfect. Just scrub the tub with whatever works. There is no perfect tub/shower cleaner or perfect way to do this. Shampoo on a wash cloth will work! Whatever or however you choose, anything is better then nothing, then spritz it with a little windex and dry it with a towel like you shine your sink.

The Other Room is your kids rooms; if you don't have a kid room then tackle the worst room in your home for 15 minutes each day. Summer will be here before we know it! Set your timer for 15 minutes and work quickly. Open up the closet door and straighten up the shoes. Take out the shoes that no longer fit your child. Put them in a bag and place in the car to donate.

Zone 3 Mission #3 Wednesday

Dear Friends:

Your mission for today is to check the supplies that are needed in your bathroom. Do you need toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, soap etc. Add these to your shopping list this week. Take a visual inventory to make sure you have what you need so one of your family members are not stuck in the bathroom yelling for toilet paper, nothing says "I Love You" like plenty of toilet paper! These things are so easy to forget until you are standing in the shower with no soap! Get a list ready for your next errand day.

The Other Room is your kids rooms; if you don't have a kid room then tackle the worst room in your home for 15 minutes each day. Summer will be here before we know it! Set your timer for 15 minutes and work quickly. Gather up all the trash in the room. This will help your child to not be overwhelmed. Make sure each child has their own trash can in their rooms.

Have fun and don't obsess, just one babystep at a time!

Zone 3 Mission #4 Thursday

Dear Friends:

For the bathroom today, take 10 minutes to toss old cosmetics and perfumes. If you have these items that you have not used for over a year but they are still hanging around, it is time to dump them.

Let's dump those lipsticks, mascaras, and eye-shadows that we have held on to since high school and college. The key to what to not to keep is: If you have not worn anything in the past year then....... TOSS!

Most cosmetics have a limited shelf life and are harboring grounds for bacteria. This also applies to lotions and moisturizers.

The Other Room is your kids rooms; if you don't have a kid room then tackle the worst room in your home for 15 minutes each day. Summer will be here before we know it! Set your timer for 15 minutes and work quickly. Check your child's toy box. There will be many broken toys or toys that they have out grown. You may need your child's help to make sure you do not get rid of their favorite. A fun thing to do is get your child a large Rubbermaid tub. This can become their keepsake place. Once the tub gets full; they will have to decided what to get rid of.

Zone 3 Mission #5 Friday

Dear Friends:

Today I want you to grab those old toothbrushes that you have just for cleaning and scrub those sink faucets and tub faucets. It is amazing how gross those faucets can get! Just a little soap and water with the toothbrush will make a huge difference. I know this is on of those missions that makes you groan but it takes less than 5 minuted to do and those faucets will shine!

This is the last day in your child's room. I know this is going to be a scary mission. Grab your rubba sweepa and drag everything out from under the bed. Most of it will be trash, shoes, papers, and dishes you have been missing.

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