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This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Swish and Swipe

Zone 3: Mission #4 Thursday

Dear Friends:

For the bathroom today, take 10 minutes to toss old cosmetics and perfumes. If you have these items that you have not used for over a year but they are still hanging around, it is time to dump them. If you have not worn anything in the past year then toss it. Most cosmetics have a limited shelf life and are harboring grounds for bacteria. This also applies to lotions and moisturizers.

I understand for some of you who are new to FlyLady there is a lot of hard work to be done. So, today we are going to do an extra 27 Fling Boogie like we did on Monday. For those of you who are FLYing and just need some maintenance in this room your mission is to sweep or vacuum this room.

One little thing that helps me is to put on some uplifting music while I do these missions!

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