Today's Holiday Cruising Mission

Super Cruising Mission #1: Decorate something in your home

Dear Friends:

We are gearing up to take this Cruise through the Holidays to a new level! It is time for all of us to get ready! If you are currently celebrating your Holiday or getting ready in a few weeks, come aboard and get moving!

Because we will not get through all of the Zones before some of the holidays this month, we are going to have missions that will take us outside of our current zones to maintain, pamper ourselves and decorate! We are FLYing!!

Your mission for today is to spend 15 minutes decorating something in your home. It could be some lights around the entrance area, a wreath, whatever. Don't overwhelm yourself and drag every decoration you own out, just select a few special items and start your decorations. You may have already started this and that is great. If you have managed to get all of your decorations up already, then take a few moments to put away the boxes and "stuff" that seems to pile up from the decorations. Get the boxes put away and ready for when you will need to bring them out again in a few weeks to put the decorations away. This makes the Holiday clean up so much easier!! Have fun! We are Super Cruising through the Holidays!!

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