My Way of Life

Hi FlyLady,

I have flown, off and on for many years and each time I fell off the wagon, per say, I retained a little bit more of your way. I don’t call it a system but rather a way of life, motivated by your love for your neighbor.

I didn’t always view it that way though.

My biggest problem was that I direguarded your guidance on perfectionism and used your ‘techniques’ as a starting point to fuel my own perfectionism. It wasn’t until a had, what southerners kindly refer to as a “come apart” that I finally began to let go of the perfectionism and get what you were talking about.

We have a large family, homeschool and family business. Our stresses and responsibilities have not changed but I have. For the first time in my adult life, I am relaxed and learning to enjoy life.

Implementing your advice led to a welcome challenge, what to do,  how live and feel when the CHAOS moved out. I am still learning and was recently led to read a book called, Leisure, the Basis of Culture. As I read it, I see that the forces that drive Americans to live as if the only real life is one of perpetual motion, joyless and strained, run deep. I can’t help but think as I read, the flylady has this covered.

I and my family thank you so much.

Peaceful and contented in FL

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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April Habit #17 Our Long and Happy Marriage

Dear FlyLady,

Maybe our method will help someone else, although we didn’t plan it for bed making harmony

Early in our marriage, we realized that sharing one bedspread, blanket, and top sheet was not for us. We are not calm sleepers, and someone (him) always ended up hogging the covers.

Instead, we use a bottom sheet with two twin comforters on top (no top sheet). Granted, the comforters need to be washed weekly this way, so they do wear out sooner.

But still, it may just be the key to our long and happy marriage, because it’s the only way we can both get a good night’s sleep, haha.  Anyway, I was grousing to my husband that I didn’t know how we could get into the habit of making the bed, when we wake up at different times. I didn’t catch on to what he was laughing about until he showed me.

With separate comforters, all we have to do is each pull up our own whenever we get out of bed.

Carly, a FlyBaby in Texas

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Bed Making Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with I LOVE MY MADE BED in the subject line.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Habit of the Month Tagged , , , ,

Procrastination, Distraction, or Do-It-Now? Oh My

Dear FlyLady,

Procrastination, Distraction, or Do-It-Now?  Would you please help us distinguish between these 3 ideas.  It seems to me that sometimes I see something “off track”  that looks brief while I am in the middle of a specific task.  Should I Do-It-Now, or am I letting myself be Distracted, or perhaps am I Procrastinating from the original specific task?  Is there even a guideline?  Sometimes I step to one side for a Do-It-Now task (like putting away something that is in front of me) only to discover that it quickly becomes part of a bigger task (e.g. clearing out the drawer to make room for that thing which belongs there).

Your thoughts are always welcome in my reading, and I would really appreciate some insight into this matter.

Much appreciation,

FlyBaby A.

Dear FlyBaby A,

You forgot one little word; perfectionism. Perfectionism is what causes a simple one minute “Do It Now” Task into a distraction. Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you are in the bathroom and use the last little bit of toilet paper. This is your sign that the toilet paper needs to be replenished. This is when you go to your storage closet and grab a couple of rolls. Now while you are in your storage closet; you notice that it is junked up and needs straightening. This is your perfectionism. Your focus is to put the toilet paper in the bathroom. Let’s face it! If you don’t stay focused on your “Do It Now” task; you will be the one left high and dry! Well you will have to drip dry!

When you hear yourself say, “I don’t have time!” This is your clue that you are procrastinating. But procrastination stems from your perfectionism. The complete sentence is; I don’t have time to do it right! When you hear yourself say those 4 words; “I don’t have time”; set your timer for 2 minutes and do only 2 minutes of what you said you didn’t have time to do. This is not a distraction it is what we call in the south; “Hit a lick at a snake!”

The main problem is your perfectionism. It is making you over analyze such a simple system. Two minutes is not going to kill you or anyone! With two minutes you can make a dent in most of the things that are making your home look messy!

Let go of your perfectionism and watch your home blossom!

  1. Get dressed to lace-up shoes when you first get up!
  2. Make your bed
  3. Swish and Swipe your bathroom
  4. Empty the dishwasher
  5. Eat breakfast, take medications and supplements
  6. What’s for Dinner? Pull it out and start your Crock Pot.
  7. Then you can get sidetracked all you want!

You can do this! This simple system has helped people in all walks of life.


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Ask FlyLady Tagged , , , , ,

It’s Anti-Procrastination Day; Let’s Get It Done

Dear Friends,

Today is Anti-Procrastination Day! What have you been putting off?

How many times a day do you allow your perfectionism to paralyze you! You know exactly what I am talking about. You hear that nasty little voice in your head all the time. I don’t have time right now. YOU DON’T HAVE TIME FOR WHAT? To do it RIGHT! To do it like your momma did!

We are not good judges of time! In our heads we think emptying the dishwasher will take hours when it only takes 3 minutes! This month we are focusing on our paper clutter. It only takes 2 minutes to clear the paper clutter from one hotspot.

Our perfectionism/procrastination also hurts us in other ways. We keep putting off going to the doctor because we don’t have time! We don’t place an order for something we know will help us and then all of a sudden it is gone and we start to beat ourselves up over our procrastination again.

I live by the Do it Now Principle! When something needs to be done and if it is not done then you will feel bad; this is when I do it! Think about putting a fresh roll of toilet paper in the bathroom. We only think of it when we are in there. Guess who usually gets left with an empty roll. YOU! Your procrastination has hurt you again.

Our minds are going 90 miles an hour. We can think of more things to do in 5 minutes than we can do in a lifetime. Let’s channel some of that power into action by Doing It Now. When you find yourself using this principle more often you are going to surprise yourself! This is not getting sidetracked! It is staying focused and accomplishing something so we don’t have to beat ourselves up later!

Have you been putting something off? One day soon we will run out of our calendars and there you will be begging for one and beating yourself up because of your procrastination. You do have time; if you will just do what needs to be done and don’t put it off another day! Just think, this will put an end to those nasty voices in your head!

There are many of you that are procrastinating about shining your sink! This is the habit that changed my life! Please give it a try! It won’t take that long! I know you think I am crazy when your house is a mess and you have a to do list longer than your arm and I am telling you to shine your sink. Apply the Do It Now principle and see how good you will feel!

Send me an email and tell me what you accomplished today in honor of Anti-Procrastination Day! with I GOT IT DONE! in the subject line!

It can something small or big, it does not matter! Don’t let perfectionism get in the way of Do It Now!


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Morning Musing Tagged ,

Sharing The Load

Hello FlyLady,

I only recently found you — someone in a Facebook group I’m part of shared a link to your site, and I decided to check it out. I’m so glad I did! I will admit, I am *really bad* at following directions, so I don’t often succeed in doing the day’s flight plan. But your message of “you can do anything for 15 minutes” has really stuck with me! Even if I do nothing else, I make sure to set a timer for 25 minutes and FLY through some cleaning and decluttering every day. I told my husband about you and the 15 minute cleaning sprint idea; he immediately said, “Okay, set a timer, and let’s get to work.” He actually kept cleaning after the 15 minutes were over because we were so close to having the kitchen back together.

We’re both pretty messy people, and neither of us were really taught how to create cleaning routines. And now with a baby, we have even more mess and more company! My husband isn’t the sort of person who usually sees something that needs to be done and just does it — his threshold for mess is higher than mine — but he willingly helps out if I ask. Recently (I’ve only been getting your emails for a week or two), he’s started taking more initiative! Last night, he got rid of some junk that was getting in the way of the washing machine and drier without my prompting. And if he sees me doing something that we decided was “his” chore, he tells me to put it down and do something else, and he hops right up and gets to work.

I don’t know if you’ve talked about this on your website, but before I found out about you, my husband and I had talked about having designated chores. I felt like the majority of the housework and parenting was falling on me, and I was being treated as “project manager” of the house — which is unfair to both of us. I told him that instead of me asking him to do something every day, I would like him to pick one chore, any chore, and that would now be his job at home. He could then pick whichever task he hated the least, and he could take ownership of it. We’re both still working on building these habits for our designated chores, but already it feels like we’re making progress on our CHAOTIC house and building up our relationship together.

Many thanks from FL!

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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April Habit #16 It Has Really Blessed Me


Dear FlyLady,

One of the first habits I started when I first joined your ‘programme’ two months ago was the bed making habit.

I hadn’t bothered to make my bed for about 6 years. Partly because, working full time and looking after a person with very high needs full time too meant that I rarely got enough sleep, so making my bed seemed like a waste of time.

But I started doing it, and somehow it has really blessed me.

It seems such a treat to get into a made bed and it inspires me to keep the rest of the room clear too – there has been a huge pile of clothes i couldn’t be bothered to hang up on the chair in there for years too.

Yet, since I have made my bed the clothes pile has disappeared totally. When i go in that room, I feel blessed by how nice it all is – every single time!

If anyone else is thinking they can’t be bothered, please BOTHER! It really is worth it! thank you FlyLady!

Love Heather – fluttering in Isle of Man

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Bed Making Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with I LOVE MY MADE BED in the subject line.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Habit of the Month Tagged , , , ,

What is Swish and Swipe?

swish and swipeHelp me FlyLady!

What exactly is swish and swipe?

I think I get the swipe part, but what is the swish? It stops me from even trying because I cannot picture the task.

Please advise!



Dear Kathy,

This week we have been focusing on the main bathroom of our homes. Many people have asked why cleaning our bathrooms is not included in our Weekly Home Blessing Hour. The reason I don’t include bathrooms in our WHBH is because we teach you how to Swish and Swipe every day.

Now for the most dreaded job in your home. No one likes to do this but when you do it every day you can keep stuff from growing in the toilet: Swish. Everyone deserves to have a clean toilet, especially when you have a stomach bug.

You don’t even need to use a harsh cleaner. I have just used the brush and nothing else. I keep my Rubba Swisha (toilet bowl brush) sitting in a crock. This is similar to the kitchen utensils holders we have gotten rid of in our kitchens. You can also use an old vase you have hiding under your kitchen sink. Now you can’t do this if you have children or pets. I fill my crock with old shampoo (I didn’t like) or slivers of old soap bars and water.

Soap is soap in my book and anything will clean a toilet if you do it every day. All you have to do is pick up your Rubba Swisha (toilet bowl brush) (I have one in every bathroom in our home) and scrub the inside of your toilet. After you do this put it back into its holder and wipe down the back, seat, and sides of the toilet with that paper towel you are holding.

This all takes a grand total of 45 seconds to do this; from the mirror to the floor with a Swish and a Swipe and you are done! Do you see how simple this really is? In a minute you have cleaned your bathroom.

If you have more than one bathroom be sure and drink your water. Then each time you need to potty use a different bathroom. Always keep a toilet bowl brush, bottle of Windex and a purple rag or paper towels in each bathroom this keeps you from procrastinating.

We have our own Swish and Swipe Package.


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Ask FlyLady Tagged , ,

Is Your Bedroom Making You Sad?

Dear Friends,

I know how every one of you think, because I am one of you. I have been there and done that. When you do your stash and dash, all the bags of stuff you gather, end up camping out in your room. Under your bed, stashed in the closet, piled on the dresser and chest of drawers and piled on your bed. Now listen to me.

YOUR BEDROOM IS NOT A GRAVEYARD FOR STUFF THAT HAS NO HOME! if you don’t stop this it is going to be your grave.

This is the room that is the heart of your family and your marriage. It should give you joy when you walk in there and fill your heart with peace. It is where your babies were conceived and you love your husband. If you are single, it is where you snuggle in for the evening with a good book to fall asleep. This is the room that you wake up in and go to sleep in. It is imperative that this room be the cleanest in the house. From this moment on, you are not allowed to pile stuff in this room. Do not fold clothes in this room. (we all know what happens there. we fold them but never put them away)

I have counseled many women about this room. I have found over the years that when this room gets clean the rest of the house falls right into place. It becomes a haven from the chaos in the home; Your hiding place. I have also found, that when this room is clean. I mean no clutter piled up, that most women rest better and have more energy.

I also feel that when we are sick, this room can promote healing or keep us sick. When all that clutter is everywhere, it is so hard to feel peace. Clutter lays guilt on our heads, we beat ourselves up about it, and we make ourselves sick with the stress it puts on our system. Get rid of the clutter and you will see the veil of stress and I believe sickness will leave your body. Guilt is a terrible shadow to live under.

I have a challenge for you. If you have a desk in your bedroom, I want you to find a new home for it. We know what our desks look like, stuff piled to the ceiling, stuff that needs to be done and is calling to us. I am not telling you to do this right this instant. I want you to think about this for a while and come up with a plan.

This week we are going to focus on making your bedroom a haven. Are you ready to FLY with a beautiful room to rest your precious head each night?


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Uncategorized Tagged , ,

Life Is Much Easier

Dear FlyLady,

I’m a very organized person, but always have had low housekeeping standards and am fine with that (I live alone, so I have no one to please or care for but myself). Nonetheless, I wasn’t meeting even these low standards. There are three things I’ve learned from you that have made my life much easier and more pleasant.

The first is the Do It Now principle. I always have enjoyed bringing order from chaos, so I never have been particularly attracted to the idea of keeping things tidy since that deprives me of seeing more dramatic (though less frequent) results. However, I’ve come to appreciate the daily pleasure of tidy surroundings. Noticing and handling little things as they arise really helps.

The second is Anti-Procrastination Day. I keep a list of those nagging little things that need doing that require some extra effort, and every Wednesday I tackle them. This process satisfies my bring-order-from-chaos needs. 🙂

Finally, using a timer has made me aware of how much can be accomplished in a short period of time rather than spending more time dreading and avoiding the task than it takes to do it.

This note of appreciation is long overdue. Thank you!

Karen Mayfield

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

Screen Shot 2024-02-10 at 2.06.55 PM

It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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April Habit #15 The Rule In Our House


Dear FlyLady,

As a child the rule in our house was to make our bed before breakfast. Having learned this habit early in life, I’m baffled when I see the beds of nieces and nephews not made.

It can be done good enough in 60 seconds, although my Dad used to demonstrate the Army way with bouncing coins off the tight sheets!

As an adult, I make this habit/chore fun by letting my inner child say every morning, “Time to tuck the snuggles in!” Kids like to be tucked in at night. Perhaps if they ‘returned the favor’ and tucked the snuggles into their bed each morning (by making their bed), then they can be sure when they turn in at night their bed will be extra snuggly.

I may have an overly active imagination, or maybe it’s just a way of “finally loving myself”, or some may read this and think I’m just plain goofy. However, I think it would be a fun way to introduce a good habit to small children (or any age with an inner brat!).

I don’t know about you, but my bed seems ‘extra snuggly’ every night. Maybe because it was made with love.

Fluttering when I can,
Flybaby Julie.

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Bed Making Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with I LOVE MY MADE BED in the subject line.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Purple Rag sale for only $8.95 while we have them!

Screen Shot 2024-02-10 at 2.06.55 PM

It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Habit of the Month Tagged , , , ,

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