Pamper Mission #23

Dear Friends,

This week has been a week of hustle and bustle for many of us. During times like these, it’s even more important to take proper care of ourselves.

Each day this week, take some time to be alone, to calm and at the same time energize yourself. Even if you have a tons of guests filling your home, be sure to take a few minutes to just sit, breathe, and enjoy a simple pleasure such as a warm cup of tea, a little eggnog, a few minutes with your favorite inspirational book, or our favorite pamper mission, a lovely bubble bath.

Yes, you do have time for such indulgences! The world will continue to turn if you take a few minutes to enjoy a bubble bath instead of a quick shower. Taking care of your needs helps you be in a position to better take care of the needs of others. If you are running on empty, you cannot put forth your best effort to enjoy relationships with those around you.

A pampered Flybaby is a happy Flybaby! Take time for you. You’re so worth it!


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