I Freak Out a Little

Dear FlyLady,

This might be a dumb question, but I cannot figure out how to vacuum my new dryer.

The old dryer had a panel I could take off on the front. The new one seems to be all screwed in at the back. How do you vacuum these things?? I haven’t done it in awhile and I’m starting to freak out a bit every time I turn it on…

FlyBaby W.

Dear FlyBaby W,

There is no dumb question except the one that is unasked.

Have you been procrastinating about cleaning your dryer vent? Don’t put it off another day! Your family is depending on you! Don’t allow your perfectionism to procrastinate.
August is our month to establish the laundry habit.

For those of you who have already purchased this life saving tool; go use it now! Just a few minutes can save you time drying clothes, your family’s lives and your home.


Here are  directions for cleaning the lint from your dryer.

The other thing that is wise to do, is to clean the lint from the dryer cabinet. You can usually access this from the bottom front. You will be surprised at how much lint is under there. Use a vacuum to clean out the lint.

Here are directions on how to use a Dryer cleaning kit:

Using the vent brush:
I) Remove the lint trap from the dryer and remove excess lint
2) holding the vent brush by the handle. insert the brush down the lint. trap vent until it reaches the bottom, Using a side to side and up and down motion. gently twirl the brush to remove any lint in the vent. Repeat this step as necessary until vent is clean.
3) Dispose of lint and debris immediately.

Using the Vacuum 11 hose attachment
I) The vacuum hose is used to deep clean the lint trap vent.
2) Attach the vacuum hose attachment to your vacuum cleaner as you would any attachment.
3) lnsert into lint trap vent and turn on vacuum running the hose up and down to remove any additional lint and debris that the vent brush could not pick up.

Using the Duct Brush
1) Please see dryer instruction guide to remove the dryer vent duct from the dryer.
2) Insert the vent duet brush into the duet. With a side to side and up and down motion, move the brush along the duct to remove any lint and debris trapped in the duct. Repeat this step as necessary until duct is clean.
3) Dispose of Lint and debris immediately.

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