Loving My Water Habit

Dear FlyLady,

I just wanted to say thank you for all the help over the last three years. I really have been enjoying your one new habit a month and have even managed to make some of them stick.

June is a cinch for me though because I already try to drink enough water every day after I learned all the wonderful benefits of drinking it. While in school last year I was taking a Health and Wellness class and the text book stated that the body needs at least (as in minimum requirement) 64 oz of water a day but that the body really needs 1 oz of water for every 2 lbs of body weight. Up to 1 gallon a day! Well at first I thought that was a bit excessive but I was diagnosed with some serious health issues and thought that it couldn’t hurt. So I got a 32 oz container and began drinking 4 a day ( my number was 279). I noticed some wonderful changes after only a few days and one day will boogieing under the kitchen sink I found an old dried out sponge and as I looked at it, I realized that that sponge was like my brain had been. All dried out and ready to crumble until I added water and made it useful again.

Here are the things I learned about drinking enough water.

1. If your have a problem with water retention drinking enough water will help you lose that excess water weight.

2. Drinking more water helps with a bladder control problem by making you go more frequently and emptying the bladder better.

3. Drinking water helps you better absorb vitamins and nutrients .

4. Your cracked dry lips go away.

5. Your hair looks shinier and healthier.

6. You have more energy

7. Makes skin soft and supple and helps to maintain skins elasticity.

8. Helps you think better. That dried out sponge is useful again.

9. Last but not least: Drinking enough water helps with weight loss. (do you think it might be all the extra trips to the bathroom?) You do get to bless you heart by moving more.

10. It helped me balance my blood sugar and lower my blood pressure,

I know that it can sound like a lot of water but the rewards are tremendous and as your weight goes down you need less water!

Thanks for all you do FlyLady

Flying in Oregon


FlyLady here: Water is an essential ingredient to a healthy life. Are youdrinking enough water? I know it is hard for you to get in 64 ounces a day. Try setting your timer. It is a good way to not have to think about drinking your water. The timer does the thinking for you. Every 15 minutes or every thirty minutes; You can take a drink. Do not drink more than 12 ounces in one 30-minute period of time. You could die of water intoxication. Take babysteps!


My goal is to drink five 17 ounce FlyLady water bottles a day.

Any other water I get atmeals is just gravy! LOL  I keep up with how many bottles I drink with hair ties on my water bottle. They start at the bottom and I roll them up as I refill my bottle.

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