Saving Grace

Dear FlyLady,

I’m going into my 3rd week being a FlyBaby! I was introduced to you by a lady from church. I remember this day like it was yesterday. My DS was having a full out blow up (massive temper tantrum for a 10 year old, with cursing, yelling, kicking, hitting and throwing things). My DH was running errands but as soon as he got home I took the car. I had to get away from the hours of screaming. I really wanted a drink, but I really couldn’t afford it plus I didn’t want to go down that path. Instead, I went to church. I plopped down on the first chair I could find. We were having a city wide prayer gathering, and I just prayed and cried. (I myself suffer from depression and anxiety. Years ago I’d have said I was an extrovert, but I’ve been changing into an introvert. I needed change in a bad way!)

My church friend can see I’m in pain emotionally, she asks me what’s wrong and I just cry (praise her, she just let me!) Eventually, I tell her what’s going on. She prayed with me then told me the best information I’ve ever heard in my life, she was my saving grace! She told me about Hallelujah!! At first I was skeptical, but thought “At this point, I’ll try ANYTHING!” My DH thought I was nuts at first, but I started with making our bed every morning. That brought a huge smile to my face as I got into bed at night. Little by little, DH started helping me with the dreaded folding clothes and the 15 minute zone cleaning. We race and it’s so much fun!!!

Since I’ve been doing FlyLady, my home has NEVER been cleaner, my whole demeanor has changed, I’m establishing routines, I’ve gotten myself into therapy and even trying to lose weight. I have given your website to my 71 year old grandmother (she already sees tools she wants to purchase!), my mother, my brother, my therapist, kids’ mental health case manager (who has told other clients!) and her supervisor. I hear myself saying things like “Progress, not perfection!” to others in my life. I don’t feel so overwhelmed with cleaning my home or the stress of daily life with a family and no job (I’d really like to be out in the workforce). Without you, FlyLady, I’d still be floundering around trying to find a solution. Thank you for everything you do, I couldn’t be more grateful!

New FlyBaby in Austin

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