Why FLY?

Dear FlyLady,

Today I ask myself why I fly? Why I clean my house? Why do I want to get organized?

It is not because I’m guilty of unfinished housework.  It is not for fun because I really did not mind having a cluttered home.

Now I got the reasons! They help me feel more motivated to fly.

Here are my reasons:

-I want to fly because I want my child to live in a healthy and happy household.

-I want to fly because I love checking off items on my routines.

-I love flying because my husband loves with what I do with our home.

-I love flying because my life is 100x better than before!

-I am happier, calmer and get lots of compliments at my home, my look

and family.

Thank you FlyLady! I love you very much!

FlyBaby J.


Dear FlyBaby J,

I am so proud of you! I started shining my sink because my Sweet Darling asked me to keep one side of our sink open. The reasons I keep shining my sink have more to do with me being happier!

For the rest of you, I would love to know Why you FLY and what you get out of FLYing! Send your list to me FlyLady@flylady.net with WHY FLY in the subject line.

I love you all too!


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