I Had A Secret Weapon

Hello dear Flylady,

I just wanted to let you know that your rubba scrubba really came in handy yesterday when I was giving my son a haircut. He is very persnickety about things, and he was just sitting bare-chested for the haircut, not liking to get hairs on a towel or shirt anything else that we happened to have to hand as a wrap.

Of course at the end of the haircut his shoulders and chest and legs and just about everything in between were covered with tiny hairs. But I had a secret weapon up my sleeve: Rubba Scrubba to the rescue! Within less than 20 seconds he was hair-free, swept clean by the rubbery beauty. And it was a lovely haircut, too!

What an easy way to clean up after one of life’s messy jobs. Thank you for the truly excellent tool!!!! I honestly feel that armed with a couple of my purple cloths, my feather duster, and assorted rubba tools, there is no mess that can’t be conquered inside or outside my home.

Love from your flybaby Lisa in France
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