15-Minute Projects

Dear FlyLady,

I had a touch of insomnia tonight, and my mind started reeling with ideas for 15-minute projects. My bathroom sink flashed before my eyes, so I got out of bed and tackled just the counter, drawers, and two smaller cabinets.

I got everything where it should be and threw away and recycled as appropriate. I took all backup products out of their bulky packaging before putting them away (I wrote the expiration date for my toothpaste right on the tube), too. I finally had a wonderfully clear counter, but much to my dismay, it was covered in scum that just wouldn’t budge!

I decided that, since my 15 minutes were up, I’d try to go to sleep again. Not five minutes later, my daughter was awake to nurse. While I was feeding her, I couldn’t get that scum off my mind. I’ve tried everything in the past: baking soda and vinegar, noxious cleaners, sponges, rags and brushes (I even bought one of those clothes-iron-shaped ones for better torque).

Suddenly I had an idea! I use Purple Rags in a Bag for everything dry, and I’d even tried one on my counter tonight without success, but I’ve never tried them wet. All it took was a little water, and that cloth scrubbed away every bit of scum!

Even my sink basin, which is the absolute worst because all my lotions and potions somehow end up in there, is shining after my little scrub down. Something scary happened in the process, though. As I scrubbed the basin, the smells of the noxious cleaners I’d tried started to rise into the air! Not only did those cleaners not work, but they’ve been sitting on the surface of my sink all these months! Ewww!

Thankfully that  Purple Rag got rid of all the layers of gook and grime -and poison! Thanks for teaching me to think outside the box (but only 15 minutes at a time)!


FLYKatie in Arizona

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