I Come Home To Peace

Dear FlyLady,

 I have been secretly flying for eight years.  While my busy schedule does not allow me to fly every day, your training has kept me afloat and I am no longer afraid to have someone visit my home.

I faithfully practice shining my sink,  setting the items I need for work on my launch pad, washing my face/bushing my teeth and setting out my clothes before bed, getting dressed and lacing up my shoes each morning and most importantly treating my home as a 4 star hotel where I am the CFO.  These few routines have given my CHAOS order and I can say I really love and enjoy my home.  While I still have a few hotspots to tackle I am grateful that they are not in areas that company can see them.

So, in saying that, one of my goals for  this year is  to  learn to fly in my bedrooms.  It will be so wonderful to not have to shuffle stuff from one bedroom to another when I have overnight guest.   And,  I am going to put into practice “checking my calendar for tomorrow”.  It bothers me when I realize that I need to be somewhere and I’m not properly prepared.  And, the big major goal for myself is “go to bed at a decent hour”.  I struggle with this one every night.

Thank you for all of your help.  Now when work, church, school, and social life gets crazy I go home to my place of peace and serenity.




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