Dusting is Fun

Dear FlyLady,

I started years ago with Pam and Peggy.  Then I followed your plan years ago but got out of some of the habits.  I did retain some of them but I was taking care of my elderly mother and I didn’t do any deep cleaning. I always kept the house presentable but I had stuff hidden. I have been working on that for the past few months.

I bought the purple rags, feather duster, and 4 of the office-in-a-bags (black for office; blue for meal planning and recipes; purple for important documents to keep at my outside office just in case; and red for important documents at home).  I keep my control journal in a 3-ring binder.

I did my weekly home blessing this past weekend—part of it on Saturday and finished on Sunday morning.  I needed to fix myself up a little after the cleaning on Sunday morning and I told my husband that I must look terrible.  He said, “No, you look relaxed and rested.”   That says a lot about your Flylady system.  I am never exhausted but my house is clean.  It also affords me the opportunity to do other things because I feel free since I don’t have to stay behind and clean.  I need to add that my wonderful husband helps and also doesn’t create any messes.

DusterPFD4 (2)I absolutely LOVE the feather duster.  It takes no time at all to dust the entire house.  I am also enjoying your daily videos.  I watched every single one in May and every one so far in June.  You have encouraged me to follow your lead and drink my water and lose some weight.  I am trying the low carb plan and I drank one gallon and one cup of water yesterday.  So far this morning, I have had four cups.

Thank you FlyLady and staff for making my spring extra enjoyable this year !!!  Getting my house clean and in order has allowed me to have time to do projects such as painting inside the house and other such things.  I still have one room that needs decluttering but I am tackling it 15 minutes at a time.

Keep the videos coming,

Melanie from Benton, Ky

FlyLady here:  This is a video I did today. I didn’t dust for a week so you could see how the Feather Duster works!

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