A Life Saving Decision

Dear FlyLady,

I needed to drop you a line and to give you a well deserved thank you. I have been purchasing many of your tools. Purple Rags Awesome! Bought 4 sets for myself and my sister. She took one of her’s to work. (She’s a beautician) She tells me that it is fantastic and easy to clean up the little spatters that are par for the trade.

Got the rubba scrubba package and mop package. Wonderful they do everything you say they do and more.

redofficeinabag1I really wanted to talk to you about my control journal . I’m a DIY type of girl so I made my own. It’s perfect for me but I didn’t like it was such a hassle to lug it around. I just knew it could even more effective if I could keep it with me.

My version has special section on my medical information. I keep my living will in there because I am a single woman living alone and wanted my family to know where to look if something happened. I have file cabinets but I decided why make it such a hassle and put these in a place they are easily accessible. I kept looking at the office in a bag and finally bit the bullet and bought one; red of course. Not just because I like red but I had this feeling that if I was looking around in an emergency it would stand out.

This past Thursday at 2:30 am I woke up with a severe asthma attack. I called the ask a nurse line after all methods available were not working. Next I knew I was throwing clothes on and waiting for my ride to come to go to the ER. As I walking out the door I grab my pretty red bag and head down to the car. By the time I reached the ER I was barely able to talk. They wanted information and there was no way I could tell them anything. My sister had accompanied me and I pointed to the bag. She opened the bag and found the information they needed. List of medications, name, address and phone number of primary doctor. Emergency contact information. Who I wanted to have access to information and of course my living will.

My sister knew I was doing FlyLady but I had never gone into detail about the program. I had been living in chaos for a long time and I wanted my actions to speak for me. My sister, who is a BO, was amazed and impressed. I didn’t have to waste precious breath to give them any information. This was literally a life saving decision for me.

A living breathing FlyBaby KY USA

FlyLady here: I am so proud of this FlyBaby for taking care of herself by putting together her control journal with a medical information section for her family. Spend a few minutes a day till you can pull this together! It could save your life!

Our red office in a bag is great for this. This could help you evacuate if there is a hurricane, earthquake, train derailment, or any other emergency! Don’t procrastinate! Here is an essay about being prepared! It will help you get prepared! Add it to your Control Journal

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