The One Thing We Cannot Do Without

Hi, Dear FlyLady!

I’ve just ordered two FlyLady calendars for 2020.

Amazing – it isn’t even the end of May yet and I won’t be putting this new one up until January! But in all honesty, it is one thing we cannot do without. But when it comes right down to it, it’s still our old-school paper calendar we use the most. In fact, when we had new kitchen cupboards put in, we actually allowed for a space where the calendar would ‘live’.

We have other calendars – one in my office, one at the back door near the phone (yes – we also still have a ‘land line’! LOL) and they’re very nice. But your calendar is the workhorse. The spaces are big enough to hold several items per day, or lots of details.

I have lovely art in my home – I don’t need a pretty picture on my calendar – I need space! We both run our businesses from home, and need to keep things organized! The thing that amazes me most is that my wonderful ‘Aspie’ husband actually wants the calendar.

Our rule: if it isn’t written on the calendar, it’s not happening! And this calendar is something we do NOT throw away – at least for seven years. We keep each expired calendar with our tax information so that if we need to question a receipt, etc. we simply look at the date on the calendar.

About seven years ago I ordered an extra calendar to give to my niece. She was in University and I knew she needed to keep both her academic and sports activities organized. Well, she graduated and is now director of a fantastic organization, working with inner-city youth. I’ve been giving her the calendar each year, but you know – younger people are so tech-oriented that when I saw the notice for this year’s calendar, I texted her and said, “Do you still want the FlyLady calendar, or are you completely digital now?” Her quick response was “YES, please!!! I use it all the time!” So this has become a tradition: I order one for myself, and one for her.

So thank you for creating a calendar that is actually useful!



FlyLady here: I love that Kate decided on a place for her calendar when she remodeled her kitchen. Everything has a place and everything in its place!

video60419All ages love our calendar; from children to seniors. It is a calendar that they can see from across the room.

Use Coupon Code CRUISING865 to save 20% on your calendar and most of our fun tools to clean your home.

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