Just Something About You

Dear FlyLady,

I’m so excited! I’ve been barely hanging on flying on and off through your system for about 5 years now. I’ve tried others but there’s just something about you… I think it’s that I’m a perfectionist so your system helps with that. Anyways, I just saw your App in the store and I am soooo impressed! I’ve longed for something like this, routines to check off all in one place, and even a timer built in the app! And the personal touch of the musing is great. I love that you and your system is so personal. Thank you so much for this FREE app. I’m so grateful and excited to jump back in right where I am, even if it’s the afternoon routine. And the little badges are a cute motivation too! Thanks thanks thanks!

Still a Flybaby,
Brittany from TN

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