Imagine My Surprise

Hello FlyLady,

I found your site about 6 months ago and really wanted to order your supplies, however, I was on an extremely tight budget. I would visit your store regularly and even corresponded by e-mail to find out if I could use the same handle for the mop and the rubber sweeper to save money.

Well, I finally saved the money to buy the supplies I needed. Imagine my surprise and delight when I went to your website to order on Saturday and found every single thing I had planned to order and it was at a cost of less than I was originally planning to spend. I must also say that I was a little sad when I read that it would take 2 weeks for my package to arrive, but I’m elated that I received a tracking e-mail on Monday from Fedex saying my package should arrive on Wednesday.Wow, I’ve never been so excited about cleaning.

Thank you A new FlyBaby Wanda

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