Control Journal, Step 6: Detailed Cleaning List

There are five zones in FlyLady’s system. Once you have finished your decluttering in a zone, you will be ready for detailed cleaning in that zone. Don’t know what a zone is? Check out the Zone FLYing Lesson. Also, see what zone FlyLady is in this week!

Your Control Journal assignment right now is to go to the Current FLY Zone and select “FlyLady’s Detailed Cleaning List.” This is where you can find FlyLady’s detailed cleaning list for the current zone. Print it out and add it to your Control Journal under the Zones Divider. The current zone changes every week, so you will have to go back to the Current FLY Zone five times to get your copies of the Detailed Cleaning Lists for all five zones.

Don’t worry if you are not ready for detailed cleaning. Just print it out, place it in your Journal, and it will be waiting for you when the time is right for you. BabySteps!

Once you have your Morning Routine planned, you’re ready for step seven!

Back to the FLYing Lesson for building a Control Journal.

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