We Can’t do Laundry Everyday!

Hi Marla & FlyCrew:

I don’t have a washer/dryer at home, we go to the laundromat every other week. Is there a way to work doing *something* in every day, since we can’t actually do any washing at home? I’m stumped.

FlyBaby Ruth in MA

Dear Ruth,

Yes there are things you can do every day to do as part of our new habit for August. Every day as we take off our clothes, sort them into color coded baskets, bags or just pillow cases. When you have a lot of laundry you can sort into many types of fabric and colors: Black, red, whites, blue jeans, towels, socks, underwear. You get the picture. Or you could do it by the people in your family. I can’t imagine going two weeks to do laundry, but yes I can. I have done it when I didn’t have a washer and dryer. I have gone four weeks and have washed my clothes in the bathtub too because I could not afford to go to the laundry.

I remember as a child my grandmother doing her delicate undies in the bathroom sink and hanging them in the bathroom.

Another thing you can do every day is declutter one drawer or one shelf in your home. You can also sort your laundry as you take it off. We have a great laundry sorter for you.


When I went to Girl Scout Camp I would wash my white blouse out in the cold shower. Then I would roll it up in a towel to wring out. Then hang up.

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