Look Hard! How do You Value Yourself?

Dear Friends,

For two weeks I have been mulling over an essay, it seems that the only way I can address the questions in my head is to just come on out with them and see where my writing takes me. It is kind of like chasing a rabbit trail to see where we end up. This is a very tough question that we all need to look at from time to time. So here goes.

What is the value system that you base your self-worth on? I don’t know, but let’s just examine them and let it take us where it can. I may not be able to answer this question, except for me. Each of us knows our own heart.

I have looked at my self-worth and came up with lots of questions.

1. Do I value myself on my job?

2. Do I value myself because of my husband’s job?

3. Do I place value on myself because of my children’s jobs?

4. Do I value myself on how I look?

5. Do I value myself on how I act?

6. Do I value myself on my clothes?

7. Do I value myself on my portfolio?

8. Do I value myself on how much I saved when I shopped?

9. Do I value myself on how much I can spend?

10. Do I value myself on how much I earn?

11. Do I value myself on how much more I earn than my spouse?

12. Do I value myself on my church work?

13. Do I value myself on other volunteer jobs?

14. Do I value myself on how my house looks?

15. Do I value myself on what kind of car I drive?

16. Do I value myself on what kind of house I live in?

17. Do I value myself on where I live?

18. Do I value myself on how I purchased my furniture?

19. Do I value myself on good grades in school?

20. Do I value myself by my friends?

21. Do I value myself on my hair?

22. Do I value myself on my nails?

23. Do I value myself on how well I do one thing, Motherhood?

24. Do I value myself on how well I do a sport?

25. Do I value myself on how much weight I have lost?

26. Do I value myself on my dress size?

27. Do I value myself on how punctual I am?

28. Do I value myself on how I manage my time?

As I have been writing these questions down, it has occurred to me that it is not a bad thing to take pride in what I do, it is only a problem when I establish one thing as the currency for my pride.

Too much of a good thing can be bad for you! I will address all of the questions tomorrow with some short lessons. For now you answer these questions for yourself. This is not just a yes or no answer. Give an short explanation.

How do you value yourself?


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