Butterfly God Breezes

Dear FlyLady,

I’ve been trying to fly for a while, and some things are working for me, but other things still haven’t sunk in yet.

I had an epiphany today and had to share it with you.

This morning, when I was haphazardly going through my morning routine (I’m still having a hard time sticking to my list), I knew that I needed to pick out an outfit to wear.  My closet is still cluttered, so it’s not always the easiest task.

Something, maybe a God Breeze, maybe just the piled clutter in my closet, caused a pair of shoes to fall from the top shelf to the floor.  They were a cute pair of black and white summer sandals with a decoration on toe.  They had been hiding all winter on the top shelf.

I remembered how much I liked the shoes, and decided to make my outfit based on the shoes.  I found a skirt and top to match. (This was easier than usual because I’ve lost 20 lbs of Body Clutter so far).

I didn’t give the shoes a second thought except to kick them off when I got home to relax (I know, I don’t always wear my laceups) Of course, I began procrastinating, and not much has gotten done in the house this afternoon.  That is, until I began reading my email.

I was reading the Butterfly emails one after the other, and was slowly getting motivated (I feel like the Flybaby from Israel – I want out of my lonely cocoon, too!).  I got up from the computer and started to pick up my room.

The first thing I picked up were the shoes I wore today – and I noticed that the decoration on the toes – while they look like flowers, are actually butterflies!!!!!

Someone is trying to tell me something!  I want so badly out of this cocoon of clutter and body clutter – and I want to be able to let someone in my life.  I know I can do this!  And with your kind encouragement and reminders – and the encouragement from Above, I know I will succeed!

I am going to be that butterfly!

Thanks so much for all you do, FlyLady and friends!

Flybaby K in VA

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