Never Whine

Dear FlyLady,

My testimonial is about your rule to never whine and keep a smile on your face.

I feel that this made my marriage happier.

Also, I feel so sad that my MIL never got to read this piece of advice. Her marriage ended and part of the reason for this was her constant whining. She was always the martyr and this created tensions in her home for many decades.

Since I myself stopped whining (not just about the housework but about everything) I am able to enjoy my life and my relationship with DH and DD. I also see the joy in my DH’s eyes when we make our ta daas list every afternoon. I believe that he is falling in love with me again since i started the FlyLady system!

If other flybabies read this please please please never whine! If there is something bothering you change that but do not whine.

Thank you FlyLady for blessing one marriage after another!

A FlyBaby from Romania


FlyLady here:  Purple Puddles.  I am grateful I am teaching you how to bless yourself first and then your family and then your home.When you do this, you will learn to fling the martyred attitude and whining.

I am so proud of you.

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