He Heard My Cry

testiflyDear flylady:

I just finished reading that email from the lady stating how the devil can use CHAOS in our lives,  causing all kinds of negative things, including spiritual, emotional, mental, physical. material, relationships, hospitality, etc.  It goes on and on.  I came to the point that I had to literally cry out to the Lord for His help with my housework.  I COULD NOT complete anything I started without getting sidetracked.

I even have a large bin in my study closet filled with uncompleted projects, including an ALMOST finished baby sweater I began when I was pregnant with my first.  I had 4 babies and each time I got pregnant, I would pick it up and work some more on it.  My children are all in their 50’s now and it is still in my bin along with everything else!

I have been this way all my life, even as a child I did not complete my homework.  It was sheer bliss for me when I had not done my homework and we had a snow day. (I grew up in New England) and school was cancelled.  I thought I had all day to do it, but lo and behold I did not and went to school the next day with that empty, guilty feeling.  Back in those days the slow kids like me were considered just plain DUMB.  Now days much study has gone into behavior of kids like me and now I am convinced that I not only had ADD but childhood depression as well.

So, just like the Psalmist, I cried out to the Lord for help, He heard my cry and answered me.  I know part of my “healing” is how He led me to your site which gives me a guide as to what to do and when.  You are part of an answer to my prayer and God has used you in a big way in my life.  When you face opposition from people, please know that it is from the enemy and he is rip roaring mad at the positive impact you are having in people’s lives.  You will be in my prayers in a more profound way now.  Please keep up doing exactly what you are doing and know it is not just a job but a very helpful MINISTRY for thousands of us.  God Bless you as you continue to BLESS OTHERS.

Flybaby Barbara from CT

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