Why is Decluttering so Important?

Dear Friends,

Everyday someone complains about having to get rid of things. They have the don’t wannas! Do you fall into this category too?

We have been living or shall I say just existing in our clutter. It has defined our lives. We have messed with it and sorted it into piles! We have moved it from one room to another room. Eventually, it gets moved to the garage, basement, storage shed, or storage unit. Why do we do this to ourselves?

I will tell you why! You are afraid you might need it one day! That is such a sad way to live. For me that is akin to living without a faith in our heavenly Father.

Clutter is a tool of the evil one to separate us from our family and our God. Here is what clutter does to you!

  1. It occupies your time.
  2. It keeps you from having people over! (Fear of what they will think)
  3. The quest for more clutter keeps you away from home. Yard Sales
  4. We don’t have faith that God will provide when something is needed.
  5. Makes us tired. Just looking at it zaps our energy levels.
  6. It costs you money to store? Your home is a valuable asset. You are using it as a storage unit.
  7. If you have a storage unit; it is really costing you big bucks.
  8. It occupies every cubic foot of storage space in your home.
  9. You can’t find things when you need them.
  10. You don’t have defined places for your stuff.
  11. It becomes a war of will with your family; creating arguments.

Here are some simple tips to declutter and keep clutter at bay!

  1. Be kind to yourself. If you aren’t ready to let it go then don’t beat yourself up. Establish a place for the item. One day you will be ready. I promise. Clutter comes off in layers.
  2. Don’t pull everything out of the closet into the bedroom. That is your perfectionism. Plucking out items that you don’t use is a great way to start.
  3. Set your timer for 5 minutes or 15 minutes.
  4. Have a trash bag handy, a Give-Away Box, and a Put-Away Box.
  5. Pick up an item and decide if you love it. If not you know what to do.
  6. When a Give-Away Bag is full! Take it to the car to donate. No piling in the front room or garage for an eventual yard sale.
  7. Put the trash in the trash can. Tie it up so no one will be tempted to rescue it.
  8. Declutter something every day! I like to go by our zones. Every month we cycle through them and each month you are more likely to be ready to let it go.
  9. If you bring home something new; get rid of two like items.
  10. Evenutally decluttering will become a way of life. You deserve a home that blesses you!
  11. Practice having fun decluttering. I like to put on my favorite hymns and sing out loud. This way it almost becomes a cleansing process for your home and your soul.

Your home is going to become that place of peace you have been searching for. You have been living in your refuge for a long time. Let’s open up our arms to the joy that comes from blessing others with your abundance.


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