What’s Best for Laminate Floors?

Dear Sweet FlyLady,

What nifty FlyLady gadgets are best for laminate floors when it comes to:

A. Dry mop

B. Damp mop

C. Sweep up like a fir needles (Pacific Northwest has an abundance of beautiful evergreens), a spilled plant, or broken glass.

Thanks for all of your great tips, loving kindness, and encouragements,

Flybaby Michelle

Sedro-Woolley, Washington

Dear Michele,

I have wood floors, they are pretty tough. What I know about Laminate floors is that you have to follow manufacturers instructions. The research I have done says not to use water on them. It also recommends a special cleaner that the manufacturer of the floors makes.

Our new chenille mop cloth is just right for dust mopping and for applying the special cleaner.

Our Rubba Sweepa can get up those pesky pine needles. It is part of our Deluxe Cleaning System. 

The main thing that they suggest is if you spill something to get it up immediately. No more procrastination ladies! Our purple rags will be great for cleaning up those little messes or the big ones.

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