Filling our Hearts with Good Stuff

Dear Friends,

On Friday January 9, 2015, my former assistant Michele got an email saying how excited everyone was that we were coming for Fort Hood on January 15th. She called me and said, I have some good news and some bad news. I said, what is the bad news? She continued, we are supposed to be at Fort Hood on Thursday. I said what is the Good News? She said ROADTRIP! All we could do was laugh as we packed. I could not let down all those precious women.

That Sunday was my birthday and this seemed like a great gift. I just never dreamed how wonderful this trip was going to be.  That October, Michele and I went on a little pilgrimage to Wisconsin. We listened to wonder Christian music and visited shrines. We came back refreshed. I could feel that this trip was going to be something special.

We started our journey on Monday morning. For some reason the XM Radio was on 128 gospel. As we traveled, we could not stop listening. We laughed, we cried, we prayed, and we were inspired to step out in faith. We were on the road for six days! Six days of wonderful messages. We even made a slight detour to visit a Church in Houston.

I knew there had not been any mistakes. We were supposed to make this journey. Over the years I have noticed hawks along the roads. I have even had hawks fly over my head standing in a courtyard. I asked Robert to find out what if there was any meaning to the flybys. He said that the hawks were a precursor to a message from God. When you see a hawk be on the lookout for a message from God. I started seeing hawks everywhere. At one point I was seeing a hawk every couple of miles. They were not just little hawks; they were big, they were flying over us and they were telling me to listening intently to the messages. Michele was taking notes.

We almost hated to go into our hotels each evening. We could not wait to get in the car each morning. We were being blessed by God’s words flowing through the radio. I realize now that when you fill your heart and head with uplifting messages amazing things can happen.

I am very excited about the great things that are happening with our messages. You will be seeing some of these changes in the next few days.

Thank you for filling the world with God’s word!


This year I started watching Dutch Sheets on the Youtube Channel Give Him 15!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Don’t Crash and Burn!

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