I Need Help With Onions

Dear FlyLady,

I don’t know what is wrong, but when I try to do one of Leanne’s recipes it always takes me longer to put it together than she says it will. It takes me 5 minutes just to cut up the onion. Please help me.

FlyBaby N.

Dear FlyBaby N,

I don’t think you are the only one who has an issue with this. The other day I was teaching Michele to cook southern. She is probably going to kill me for telling you all this but, I stood there and watched her cut up an onion one little piece at a time. Then I asked her if she wanted a short cut. Michele is all over short cuts. This is how I do it. Please don’t get in a hurry. Even professional cooks can cut off the end of their fingers. This is why we use this method.

1. I cut the onion in half from root to stem.
2. Cut off the stem leaving the root in place (that is where the tears come from)
3. Then peel back the outside layer.
4. Then lay the flat side down on your cutting board.
5. Now hold the onion down in one hand and gently slice lines from root to stem. Keeping the onion together
6. Now for the fun part. Slice across your onion.
7. Then do the other half.

Here is my Video on how to chop onions!

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