How Can I Save Time?

Dear Friends,

Every day we all waste time searching for something and trying to make decisions. The funny thing is that the reason we are searching for an item is because we put off making a decision in the first place. Would you like to save some time?

Each morning we stumble out of bed in search of coffee or something to get us moving. We turn on the TV and get sucked into a morning program and before we know it; we are rushing around trying to get dressed so we won’t be late to work again.

Here are your seven time saving tips.

1. Pick out your clothes the night before. This will keep you from standing in your closet scratching your head. This way you have time to put a whole outfit together so you will look like a million bucks.

2. Set your coffee up at night. If you have your coffee on a timer; it can start brewing before your alarm clock goes off. This way the smell of your coffee will get you out of your bed. This will keep you from having to stop for coffee on your way to work. It will save you money too but that is another essay.

3. Shine your sink before you go to bed. This will save you time making breakfast in the morning. Not only will you gain a few minutes but the smile you put on your face will help your day start on the right foot.

4. As soon as your feet hit the floor make up your bed. It only takes a minute to make you feel good about your room. How does this save you time? Well it makes you feel energized.

5. Head straight to the bathroom and get dressed as fast as you can. This is easy to do because you picked out your clothes last night. Do not leave the bathroom until you are dressed to lace up shoes. This will keep you focused.

6. While you are in the bathroom, do a thirty second swish and swipe while you are getting dressed. Put your makeup and hair tools away when you finish using them. This keeps your bathroom company ready.

7. Establish a launch pad and place items you are going to need tomorrow on that spot after you check your calendar. This way everything you need to take with you is all together. All you have to do is grab and go.

After having done these things you are going to feel like you have more time to your morning. Your stress will be decreased and you might even be a nicer person when you don’t feel like you have to rush.

Saving time by doing a Before Bed Routine and staying focused in the morning is your key to releasing the pressure that has plagued most of your life. I want you FLY! When you are Finally Loving Yourself you will have peaceful mornings.


Do you need to jump back on the FlyLady Wagon? In May we will be going through this book;  CHAOS to Clean in 31 Easy BabySteps.Print

This book will help both our new FlyBabies, and our “not so new” FlyBabies (like those who are “jumping back in where we are”).

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