Dear FlyLady,
I am new to FLYing, but have been working through the babysteps and am up to Day 14. At some point will all this make better sense in terms of when to do what…?
I have my morning and before bed routines down and posted to keep me on track. However, I am really confused about when I am supposed to do all the rest of the steps. I receive your daily emails, but my head is spinning. Daily Mission, Zone Cleaning, Holiday Control Journal…I understand that it all needs to be done, but I read all the links in each of your emails and then my head starts spinning and I can’t get anything accomplished. Help!!
Dear Lucy,
Wow! 14 days and you have all this down. I am very proud of you. We have to stop your head from spinning. Spinning head syndrome comes from our perfectionism. We want to see how it all works together.
Here is how our system works. EDT.
5:30 pm Tomorrow’s Mission comes in. Do it tomorrow! 5 minutes.
8:00 pm a Testimonial about how our system has changes someone’s life.
9:00 am My Morning Musing; This is how your perfectionism gets curbed. Read
10:00 am an Ask FlyLady Question; Read It.
11:00 am a Holiday Mission; These are going give you peace. Do them!
12:00 pm This is the Habit of the month testimonial. It gives hope!
Reading the essays will change the way you think. Doing what we discuss in the essays and the missions will change your home. I want you to have peace in your life. First we have to get rid of the negative thinking that has plagued you most of your life.
The daily mission is your zone cleaning! It takes all of five minutes.
Reading a Musing or the Ask FlyLady Question is at most 3 minutes. Those 3 minutes can be life changing; if you internalize the information.
Your Morning Routine takes 15 to 30 minutes.
Your Afternoon Routine takes 15 to 30 minutes.
Your Before Bed Routine takes about 15 to 30 minutes.
It doesn’t take long to make a difference in your home. Unless you refuse to take my hand and ignore what we are teaching you. I have dedicated my life to helping you but I can’t make you read my essays, do the missions, or practice your routines. That is up to you. It breaks my heart when you give up before you get started.
Let go of your perfectionism. You can do it!
What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!
We have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!
Our CHAOS to Clean Book helps you jump back on the FlyLady Bandwagon! Get yours now!