Two Minutes Makes My Home Shine

coffeetableDear Friends,

Last week I implemented my Two Minutes to Peace in my home. Many of you have been using this fun way to get things done. I sit here looking around my home and I don’t see anything that makes me feel bad. Here is my list of things I have done for two minutes.

  1. Empty the dishwasher
  2. Feather Dust
  3. Clean off the coffee table and decorate
  4. Mop the floors
  5. Detail dust end tables
  6. Sweep the front porch
  7. Sweep the back deck
  8. Clean out the refrigerator
  9. Wipe down kitchen counters
  10. Sweep throw rugs
  11. Plant some basil
  12. Gather trash
  13. Swish and swipe my bathroom
  14. Wipe down cat’s feeding window
  15. Shine my sink
  16. Pick a flower for my table
  17. Strip our bed
  18. Make our bed
  19. Clean the ashes out of the fireplace
  20. Recycle magazines
  21. Water plants
  22. Gather items to give away
  23. Put a load of clothes in the washer
  24. Fold a load of clothes
  25. Get cat hair off our red couch
  26. Burn paper clutter (identity sensitivity) in our fireplace
  27. Shine a window
  28. Clean out medicine cabinet
  29. Organized closet
  30. Straighten under bathroom cabinet
  31. Organize the freezer
  32. Closed my eyes to rest them
  33. Sat on my beautiful front porch and admired our pond and flowers
  34. Make a menu plan for next week
  35. Build a grocery list
  36. Write for essay
  37. Fill up my water bottles
  38. Take my supplements
  39. Clean the dogs feeding area
  40. Clean out the car
  41. Planted potatoes in a big pot
  42. Posted an essay on our website
  43. Unpack a suitcase
  44. Repack a suitcase
  45. Start dinner in the Crock Pot
  46. Put things where they belong
  47. Clean out my purse

I have been setting my timer for two minutes and even though I know its power, I am blown away by how wonderful our home looks.

I have done my weekly home blessing two minutes at a time.
I have menu planned two minutes at a time.
I have touched each zone in my home for two minutes at a time.
I have taken care of me two minutes at a time.
I have decluttered two minutes at a time.
I have worked in my yard two minutes at a time.
I have cleaned my car out two minutes at a time.
I have put things back in their place two minutes at a time.

So what excuse have you been making? Please try this method. The true power in the two minute challenge is getting up and moving. You will be so surprised at how many steps you can get in each day if you get up and do just two minutes.

Each day we have a focus. Just spend 2 minutes on this and your week will be productive. On Friday! It is the day we clean out car, diaper bag, purse, and plan a date with your Sweet Darling. Set your timer and try it two minutes at a time. What can you get done today while I talk with you on our Facebook Live Video Podcast.

If you can’t figure out what to do next; use my list! You will be just as amazed as I am. Set your timer and get started. Be sure and rest too! My list has been spread out over a whole week. It works out to less than 15 minutes a day. My hotspots are cleared and our home is shining! You can have this too.


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

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