Tag Archives: 2 minutes
Try a 2 Minute Weekly Home Blessing
Have you ever done a Weekly Home Blessing?
Two Minutes Makes My Home Shine
Last week I implemented my Two Minutes to Peace in my home.
Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?
Do you feel like the whole world is crashing in on top of you? Believe it or not it happens to all of us from time to time!
Slow Down You Move Too Fast
By the time the credits roll; I am exhausted!
Two Minutes Just for You
The mid-night editor is working over time.
Don’t Get in Our Way
Our homes, yards, desks and cars are just a symptoms of what goes on in our head.
2 Minute Miracles
What is it about two minutes? When we were told we had to do a two minute speech it seemed too long.
The Power is In Your Hands
In our Perfectionism, we don’t seem to grasp the simplicity of the timer.
Try a 2 Minute Weekly Home Blessing
Have you ever done a Weekly Home Blessing?
Sharing the Blessing Jar
I have a friend who is disabled and can’t do too much at one time.