FLYing Lesson: Zones

As most of you know, we work in a different zone each week. We are using FlyLady’s zones, because it is much easier if we are all on the same page. Check the launch pad to see what zone FlyLady is currently working in.

Zone 1: Entrance/front porch/dining room – First few days of the month until the next Sunday

Zone 2: Kitchen – First full week of the month

Zone 3: Main bathroom/Extra Room – Second full week of the month

Zone 4: Master bedroom/bath/closet – Third full week of the month

Zone 5: Living room/den/TV room – Last few days of the month from Monday until the first of the next month

“Now don’t get upset if I have left out part of your home. I am focusing on the main parts of our homes. I left out my basement, garage, and the yard. If you have just started with this list, I want you to declutter according to our zones. After each room is decluttered, it will be much easier to keep clean. It has been months, maybe even years, since you removed the cobwebs and vacuumed under the furniture. That is what our zone cleaning is all about once we get rid of our clutter. Do not get overwhelmed by this — focus on one room at a time, not all of them at the same time. Over the next few months, you will eventually declutter each room, and the zone cleaning will become a piece of cake. BabySteps.

Spend 15 minutes a day in the zone. It is not much. We will give you specific assignments each day. When you get the daily assignment, go do it. Set a timer for you to get the job done. Do not pull out more than you can put back in the 15 minutes. I will break each job into smaller parts.” – FlyLady

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