FlyLady’s Welcome Letter

The following is the welcome letter sent to new members when they join FlyLady’s e-mail list.

Welcome Precious New Member,

FLYing means Finally Loving Yourself. I want you to have what I have: peace of mind, pride in my home, and a passion for living.

FLYing works for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you work outside of your home, stay home with children, are retired, work from home, or a combination of any of these. You can FLY.

We are here to help you establish routines and build a basic weekly plan.

It all starts with that first BabyStep. Shine your kitchen sink. Continue these BabySteps and learn how to FLY. At the bottom of this e-mail, you will see the 31 BabySteps.

We send a daily e-mail called Today’s Flight Plan. It includes a daily checklist, challenges, and a mission. Take a few minutes to read.

While you are taking your first BabySteps, you may have questions about our special vocabulary or terms. To help you understand us, check out the FLY FAQ section.

I am fortunate to have FLY Friends who are experts in other fields. Each has been chosen to help me help you. You will meet them along the way through their essays and testimonials.

It is my hope that I can impress upon you that this is not an overnight fix. You have to take one task at a time and build upon it. What worked for me may have to be altered to fit your family. But there are a few things that remain the same: you have to get up and get dressed every day, do your morning and before bed routines, and keep your kitchen clean and sink shiny. You will be blessing yourself, your family, and your home.

You CAN do this! Come FLY with me.



Check out FlyLady’s tools at The FlyShop. These products can help you FLY!

Get started with FlyLady’s 31 babysteps.

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