The kitchen is the heart of our home.
Focus on one little part — reclaim your kitchen sink. Empty everything out of your sink, shine it up, fill it with hot soapy water, and start washing dishes, one at a time.
- Do a 27-Fling “Trash” Boogie. Trash is clutter. When the bag is full, take it outside, right away, to the trash bin.
- Clear out your mail hotspot. Get rid of the old magazines, catalogs, and advertisements.
- Clear the clutter off your counters one at a time.
- Clear the clutter off your kitchen table.
- Take a peek at your pantry. Don’t pull everything out and start reorganizing; just take a look, see what you need, and start a grocery list.
If your kitchen is clean but still cluttered: start decluttering. Check out our daily missions. FlyLady usually sends out one during the week which concentrates on decluttering one small area of your kitchen.
If your kitchen is decluttered: (that means no more clutter — only the things you use and love) Start the detailed cleaning list. You will be amazed at how quickly the shiny sparkle from the kitchen sink spreads throughout the entire kitchen when the clutter is gone!
FLY Spot
Welcome to Zone 2, The Kitchen! Today, we are going somewhere we haven’t been in a looooong time- the spice cabinet! It’s time to take a look at what’s hidden in there. Pull them out one shelf at a time and take a good look at them. Is your lemon-pepper clumped together in a ball? Is your rosemary empty? How about your cinnamon? With the Holidays just around the corner, you will more than likely be pulling them out to use them very soon! What better what to be prepared for cooking than knowing exactly what you have and what needs to be bought?
Set your timer for 15 minutes and GO! If you finish early, take a break. You deserve it!