Wow What a Book

hidden treasures
Hi FlyLady and Crew,

I have been on and off the flylady bandwagon several times over the past few years. First of all a little history, a few years ago I was injured on the job as a nursing assistant had to wait 4 years for them to do surgery on my back only to come out in as much pain as I went into surgery with. The upside I am not in a wheelchair which according to doctors I would have been if I didn’t have the surgery.  I have really struggled on and off trying to get my house out of CHAOS because of my injury and subsequent nerve damage and the 70 pounds I gained since I got hurt. I do really well for a few days or even few weeks and then fall off because I am down for several days for pushing myself too hard.

I bought Hidden Treasures thinking well maybe I would understand the Flylady system better because of the reviews. Wow what a book!  In the first few pages I was in purple puddles because that was me and that was my house and my kids! Thinking to myself I cannot believe that there are other people out there struggling with it like I am and seeing it in black and white through these wonderful characters. I know it is fiction but that woman could be me!! Could I find the peace those characters found in following the Flylady system? Can I adapt it to my limitations? After reading this wonderful book I know that eventually I will find peace 15 minutes at a time. I just have to adapt it to my limitations and not try to do it all in one day and be down for a week to get up and do it all over again. I know Flylady says this over and over but somehow seeing a character in a book do it slowly and consistently made it finally click in my head that I CAN DO IT!

THANK YOU so much for this wonderful book that is me in the beginning and hopefully Lord willing me in the end of the story.

I even broke down and ordered the TENS unit that helps my pain enough that I can actually do it 15 minutes at a time. You are all Gods sweet messengers who have shown me in this book that it can be done one thing at a time 15 minutes at a time.

Thank you and God Bless the authors of this book and Flylady and crew.

Fluttering Flybaby in Eastern NC


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