Tag Archives: Hidden Treasures
Calming the Storm
The storm is a brewing and it is not in the Caribbean; it is in your head.
Progress Not Perfection
Here we are again embarking on a brand new year with all the joys and anticipation that it brings.
New Year Musing: BabyStep Revolution
I don’t know about you, but I am ready for my routines to get back to normal.
That Discombobulated Feeling
What is it about change that discombobulates us? Once upon a time our favorite bowling center changed their furniture.
Waiting to Get Started?
In many of your messages I have noticed that you can’t wait to get our calendar, duster, book, and timer so you can get started.
Mottos Gently FLY Wash Us
Every year we come up with a new motto. I always like to make it something that is easy to remember and emphasizes a key point of FLYing!
Is Clutter Your Legacy?
Will you leave clutter as your legacy?
My Trees are Still Up
Thank you so much for all of your encouragement!
I Am Ready to Jump Right In
I just shined my sink and set the coffee up for tomorrow morning.
What is Holding You Down?
Clutter has invaded the sacred peace of your home. It is tearing you and your family apart.