Tag Archives: Hidden Treasures

That Discombobulated Feeling

What is it about change that discombobulates us? Once upon a time our favorite bowling center changed their furniture.

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Calming the Storm

The storm is a brewing and it is not in the Caribbean; it is in your head.

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Progress Not Perfection

Here we are again embarking on a brand new year with all the joys and anticipation that it brings.

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New Year Musing: BabyStep Revolution

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for my routines to get back to normal.

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Waiting to Get Started?

In many of your messages I have noticed that you can’t wait to get our calendar, duster, book, and timer so you can get started.

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Mottos Gently FLY Wash Us

Every year we come up with a new motto. I always like to make it something that is easy to remember and emphasizes a key point of FLYing!

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Is Clutter Your Legacy?

Will you leave clutter as your legacy?

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My Trees are Still Up

Thank you so much for all of your encouragement!

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I Am Ready to Jump Right In

I just shined my sink and set the coffee up for tomorrow morning.

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What is Holding You Down?

Clutter has invaded the sacred peace of your home. It is tearing you and your family apart.

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