Everything in One Place

Office in a Bag

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Dear FlyLady,

I ordered the Office in a Bag on Monday and received it the following Thursday. Thank you for your prompt delivery of your products. I am temporarily a care giver for my sister-in-love as she is on pain medications that require her to not stay by herself until she is off of them. She has had 3 hospital stays in four months and have important papers from the hospital discharge orders to the list of medications she is taking and other papers and information that needs to be at hand all the time.

I remembered that FlyLady had used her OIB to take care of her Mother’s affairs. I took my newly organized one to the doctor’s office for the follow up visit with her doctor. During the visit the doctor asked me some questions and I had the information for him right there and I did not have to try to think about what was the answer. I had it right there in my OIB.

Thank you for good quality products. Dusters , timers (my Mom uses hers for timing eye drops), water bottles ,and of course the Office in a Bag.

Flying for about a year,

So. Cal.

FlyLady here: If you have ever wondered how I have used my Office in a Bag here is a link to the essay (SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM) about how it was developed many years ago and how it has helped me through many tough times.

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