I Felt Like Angela Lansbury

Dear FlyLady,

In response to your request for positive thoughts, I have two things to share from yesterday.

I clean my downstairs windows once/month. The upstairs are a different story. As I was cleaning yesterday, I was grumbling to myself over the dog nose and kid hand prints all over the back windows. I noticed and tried to find the positive. Those nose prints are evidence that my dog loves me and misses me when I’m gone! Those hand prints are evidence that my kids love our backyard that I work hard to make fun and beautiful for them. There are no hand prints on the TV. I think that must be evidence that I’m a good mom. If I clean those prints regularly, I won’t miss a single bit of that love!

Last night I received my first order, a feather duster and a Rubba Sweepa. As I opened the box with both in it, I suddenly felt like Angela Lansbury in Bedknobs and Broomsticks, using her wand and new broom to learn to fly. I laughed to myself as I tried them out and enjoyed myself immensely.

FlyBaby in Texas

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