Payroll FlyBaby Testimonial

Dear FlyLady,
I am 66 years old and I work outside the home as a Licensed Massage Therapist  and serve  as a receptionist at a retirement community every other weekend. I am not a complete Payroll Baby since I am self employed except for the weekend job. Each week I see clients at two offices, and several people at their homes.My hours vary, as does my income, although I am organizing my practice as I organize my life with your help! I often leave home at 7:00 AM and get home at 7:00 PM or later. I usually pack my lunch, and have  something ready for dinner (salad with some kind of protein works well) when I get home, so I am not tempted to stop for fast food or start to graze while I prepare something.So far I am shining my sink every morning and evening, or at least leaving clean dishes to drain. I keep Purple Rags in the kitchen for the counters and appliances and clean them when I shine the sink. I keep Bronze Rags in my bathroom, and Swish and Swipe at least a few times a week-the goal is every day.

I try to arise the same time every day at 5 a.m. no matter what time my first appointment is (except my day off) and I have always made my bed so that is automatic. I try to empty the dryer before bedtime, and put next load in washer for next morning or evening. It used to be so discouraging to find the dryer full when next load is ready to go in. Dryer Lint Kit comes out at least once a month and clothes dry quickly now. I mark the DLK on FlyLady Calendar so I don’t forget. Sometimes I can wash and dry a load before I drive the 30 miles to work! I will buy the FlyLady Mop and Office in a Bag next.

I am trying to establish the habits, then buy the products as I can afford them. I keep my bills, checkbooks, stamps etc. in a zipper portfolio now, and it seems to be working pretty well but I would like to have the binder rings for sheet protectors, routines etc.

I sweep the kitchen every night and wash it several times a week, as well as the bathroom floor. I used to think routines were oppressive and demanded perfection, but it is the other way around!

They have freed me from the all or nothing attitude and I feel lighter, less anxious and very satisfied-It seems the more time I spend Flying, the more free time I have. No more wasting time looking for lost stuff, finding something to wear, stepping over unwashed laundry, etc. Now I WANT to do the things I HAD to do!

What a revelation.Again, thank you for all the help and encouragement. I am pleased with my progress and continue to learn what I need to do to live my best life.

Finally  Loving Myself in the Heartland,


FlyLady here: Oh Kathy, I am so proud of you!  I love what you said, “the more time I spend Flying, the more free time I have!” This is so true! I am also proud that you are rewarding yourself when you establish habits. We all love rewards!

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