One is Not Enough

Dear FlyLady,
Thank you everyone who tests & brings us such great products.I am reordering the purple rags as one package isn’t enough! I no longer dread wiping down baseboards! One damp rag is all it takes. The rags also work great on removing my dogs’ wet breath marks on my living room windows, as they watch the birds at the feeder! I do not have to worry about any chemical residue.I have to reorder the duster, as my pup enjoyed taking mine apart Saturday morning. I found a tell tale feather on the floor and cried “oh, no!” It had served me well for a number of years so I do not regret purchasing another, which thankfully you have back in the shop.Thank you too for helping me change my attitude about cleaning. My Dear Husband was diagnosed with a serious illness two years ago. I am committed to keeping the house clean and orderly to help keep him as healthy as I can.


FlyLady here; Our critters love our dusters. We have to keep it put up and out of their way. My dusters stay in my umbrella stand. I still have the originals that I use every day.

I have a Purple Rag under every sink along with my Windex bottle. We  have three colors to help you color code your rags for the bathroom, kitchen, and car. Bronze, Silver, and Purple

Our Dusters are FLYing out the door; we are discontinuing our Retro Duster. Get yours while we still have them.

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