Fling The Skunk Smell


  Dear FlyLady and Crew,


I received my package yesterday and couldn’t wait to use the Purple Rags I had ordered! I had so much fun using them I actually took them down to the library to show one of my best friends. My excitement was very obvious and she is thinking of getting a set for herself.

Well, the purple rags are as great as everyone says they are, but until today I wasn’t picking up any chemical smells from my sink or shower. As I was wiping down the walls of my stairwell this morning I detected an odor I was hoping was gone forever……skunk.

You see, my two wonderful dogs were skunked last fall and brought it into the house. I gave them three treatments of the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mix and they still had a hint of skunk.

After they were clean I went around the house cleaning walls, furniture, carpets, etc. I cleaned for hours and it seemed things were finally clean….until today. In a way I’m glad I started smelling the odor, it means the skunk stink is finally coming off the walls thanks to your wonderful rags, but boy I wish I had these back in the fall, then I wouldn’t have to re-do a really big job.

Oh well, I can clean all the walls of my house 15 minutes at a time!

Each of your products makes me smile when I use and they make cleaning fun and easy.

Thank you FlyLady and Crew for all of your hard work finding and researching the products you offer!

FlyBaby C. in Michigan


FlyLady here: We are so happy to be able to offer you the Purple Rags! You can use them, wash them, let them dry and use them again!!!

There are so many great ways to use them……and flinging skunk odors is one more for the list!!

You asked for the Purple Rags in a different color, and we listened! We now have Silver Rags in the FlyShop.

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