Less Than 5 Minutes a Day to keep Dog Hair Away

Hi FlyLady,

Just wanted to thank you for the mop – I really appreciate it.  I have a white dog, and she is currently shedding a LOT!  Brooms spread the hair around on my tile floors, and getting out a vacuum cleaner constantly isn’t a very good solution to the “white hair” problem – it’s too much trouble. The mop is perfect!It grabs the hair and sweeps up dirt and dust.  In less than a minute, I can sweep my kitchen floor.  After I get rid of the hair on the mop, I take a little Windex, spritz the spots where there are drops, splashes, or spatters, and run the mop over them.  In less than 5 minutes per day I can keep the kitchen floor clean, and dog hair out of our food!A Flybaby in MarylandFlyLady here: We have three big dogs and two cats. My morning routine with my mop keeps our dog hair under control. The rubba scrubba gets the white cat hair off our couch and the dogs love to be brushed with it. Some FlyBabies have used the Rubba Scrubba to get the dog hair off the microfiber cloth.

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