September Habit #11 How Amazing My Morning Routine Is


Dear FlyLady,

Before I write about my evening routine I need to say how amazing my morning routine is, it has transformed my life! 15 minutes is all it takes to make me pretty and ready for the day. I know whats on the calendar, my laundry is started, bathroom is clean, and I’ve even done a little exercise! Just a little, but that’s enough to make me feel good about myself!

Now, the fact is, if I don’t do my evening routine then I usually get thrown off in the morning, needing to “think” about what I’m doing (before coffee) and usually forget something, instead of the peaceful, mindlessly easy ingrained habit.

My evening routine is after dinner:
1. Check Calendar
2. Shine sink (even if the kitchen is not perfectly clean)
3. Fold & put away laundry
4. Set out clothes for tomorrow, right next to the scale.
5. Shower and PJ’s. No more laced up shoes for the rest of the
evening with no guilt

Thank you for teaching me to love myself!



Dear FlyLady,

Your Feather Duster is just so awesome! I never knew???? As a child, my mother would make us dust and or hand wash every surface and knick knack (which were in extreme abundance) twice a month on Saturday morning before we could watch cartoons or play. I HATED DUSTING!!! Upon moving out, I avoided it as much as possible. Then I turned to my dusting wand on my vacuum. Didn’t work too well, but I WAS dusting. LOL

When I started getting your newsletter, about 2 weeks ago, I was reading your website and hearing all the wonderful comments about your duster. Then, when I signed up for the meeting here locally, I didn’t want to be the only one without one, so I ordered one. It came yesterday! I was bushed after working all day, but I wanted to give this NEW thing a try, thinking it would prove what I always suspected, DUSTING IS WORK!

Well, you have definitely proved me wrong! I got soooooo excited I called my mother in Nebraska, I live in Illinois. She just laughed! She doesn’t understand, but I plan to buy her one for Christmas! I dusted my whole house, closets, ceilings, air returns, behind the washer and dryer, the furnace room, EVERYWHERE!!! I had to shake it out 22 times!!!!! The house smells so much fresher! My allergies are very bad today,due to all of my vigorous dusting, but I know that will improve greatly now.

I just had to write and thank you! At 45 I have found, you CAN teach a not-so-old dog a new trick!

Flying on now,

FlyBaby C.

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