My Misfire

Dear FlyLady,

Well…not really a misfire of the ‘cannon’ …it was MY misfire. Once again I’ve cost myself more money with my scattered nature.

I went to the FlyShop earlier in the week to buy the Clog Cannon. I’ve been putting it off over and over.

The tub at my mother in law’s shore home does not drain well at all and each weekend we find ourselves standing in 8 inches of water while we shower, then standing around waiting for the tub to drain after so we can rinse it out, because if we don’t the soap scum – and yuck – remember, its a shore home so there’s sun tan lotion, bug spray, bunker for crabbing, sand…well, you get the idea, we get DIRTY, haha. – it all just would dry on the tub and be very nasty to clean later.

Enter the CLOG CANNON…well, I read a testimonial a while back about a couple that was having the same kind of trouble, and had also procrastinated buying this tool…but when they did….WOW! Oh I so want to give that WOW to my dear Mother-in-Law, my husband and kids so we can shower and bath without the standing water issue.

Now…on to why I’m spending more than need be and my MISFIRE. Well, I opened my box up, and guess what? No Clog Cannon!? Guess what? I didn’t order it. I got to the website and was so distracted by the lovely purple Rubba wonders that I bought a Rubba Sweepa and replaced my  Rubba Scrubba with two new ones…but FORGOT why I was there in the first place! And then I FORGOT that I didn’t order it and expected it to be there.
I’m hopeless…..seriously, I think my ‘wings’ are crumpled! I went ahead and ordered the Clog Cannon today, but it looks like another weekend of standing in water whilst showering. I wish my brain would work with me…just a little! haha. Oh well, I guess I was so the SHE there, wasn’t I?!

Thank you for all you do, I was FLYing really well 4 years ago when I got pregnant with my 3rd child, and since then we’ve had our 4th and I’m still kinda trying to get back into the air…but, I did it once, I can do again. I’ve discovered FlyLady Bingo on Facebook and LOVE how focused I can be with that.

Okay, I can ramble on so… Thank you, you are truly a blessing to all those you touch, I see a Matthew 25:23 in your future because I really do believe you’ve been called to serve this way!



FlyLady here: We do offer many great tools, books, music and downloads in the Fly Shop. It is easy to understand how you can get sidetracked while looking through the shop! After all, a SHE means Sidetracked Home Executive!

The Fly Shop teams works quickly to get your orders out. Rose will soon have her Clog Cannon and will be able to clear the shower drain without chemicals!
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