Taking Care of Me in a Fun Way

Dear FlyLady,
I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to set my clothes out a week in advance.  I am a new SAHM of an 11 week old baby girl.  Plus my husband and I run a small business out of our home.  I’ve been loving having my routines to help with keeping me on track each day.I loved your weekly clothing organizer but my husband and I share a small closet with no “long section” so unfortunately it wouldn’t fit.  I loved the idea and decided there had to be a way to do the same thing.After thinking about it for a while, I had the idea to create day-of-the-week hanger cards on my computer.  I made them pretty and personalized them for me.  Then printed them on some card stock I had on hand and cut them out.  It worked beautifully!!

First I decluttered and left only the shirts I was wearing all the time in my closet.  I donated the ones I don’t love anymore and moved the off season shirts to an empty linen closet.  This left me with about 20 basic shirts to choose from.  Then I selected a basic shirt for each day of my upcoming week and posted a small calendar in my closet, just so I could be reminded of upcoming events.  Now each morning after I get dressed I pick a new shirt for the same day in a week and hang it at the back of the line.  By the time that day rolls around I’ve forgotten what I selected so it feels like a fun surprise each morning to see what my “personal assistant” has selected for me to wear that day.  It also helps me choose something faster because I’m not emotionally invested in a day that’s a week away (usually I go back and forth trying to decide what would be the per***t shirt to wear that day).  Plus it’s fun to make my outfit by adding a sweater or jacket, scarf, and jewelry to my basic shirt!

The best part is that I feel loved each morning because “someone” has taken the time to choose something special for me to wear that day.  It puts me in a better mood even if I’m tired from being up with my precious baby girl in the middle of the night.  So I greet my family and start my day feeling loved and cared for.

Thanks for being an inspiration in big ways and small ways too!

FlyBaby N.

FlyLady here: Picking out our clothes is an important part of our Before Bed Routine. It helps you to start your day on a peaceful note. How beautiful is that.

Another part of your Before Bed Routine is to check your Calendar! Have you got your calendar yet? Our calendar has enough room for all your appointments.

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