September Habit #25 I Wrote It On A Post-It Note


Dear FlyLady,

I am finally getting the evening routine down, and what a difference! I wrote it on a post-it note and put it on my kitchen cabinet door to remind me! It’s very simple but so beneficial!

1. Shine Sink!  It is awesome to be greeted in the morning by my shiny sink!

2. Prepare my Launch Pad! I check my schedule for the following day to make sure I have the right clothes ready. ( I hang my clothes for the week on a hook on Sat. when they come out of the drier!) Then put my purse with water bottle and snacks inside onto the freezer with anything else I need for the next day.

3. I set up my coffee pot and set the timer so that I can smell the coffee about 15 minutes before I get up!

4. I get myself ready to go to bed early!

My morning then starts with smelling my coffee and seeing my shiny sink! What a wonderful way to start the day. It makes me feel loved all day long! What an incredible way to Finally Love Myself!

Gwen In GA

Dear FlyLady,

I’ve been Flying for almost 3 months and have had some ups and downs, as I had expected (the downs were caused by being sick in bed for 10 days and not having the energy to do any cleaning).

I’d have to say one of my favorite ups was a calendar moment. My DH had received an email invitation to a co-ed baby shower for a friend of his, which would be a few weeks away. He mentioned it to me, so I promptly put it on the calendar and out of my head. The day of the shower came without so much as a memory of its existence. When I checked my control journal and saw “check your calendar”, I was relieved to know we had a couple hours before the shower was supposed to start.

To our surprise, the shower was also an impromptu wedding! It was such a beautiful moment and we were so honored to be a part of it! Thanks to the calendar, we didn’t miss an important part of our friends’ lives.

Ready for more ups

Annette in CA

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