Dumpster Diving for My FlyLady Order

Dear FlyLady,
My order arrived yesterday but I wasn’t home so I had to collect it from the post office today. The box looked a bit crushed so I opened it to inspect it before leaving the post-office. Luckily, nothing had been damaged: the water bottles, Rubba Scrubba and rags were all safe and sound!So I put the opened box on the back seat of the car, and went on to the city dump site where I meant to get rid of some bags of acorns, and some cardboard boxes (to be recycled of course).While I was emptying the bags into one dumpster, the cardboard boxes were being thrown into another one by a friend. Suddenly this friend came up to me, waving the bags of FlyLady rags, asking what they were. I was going to explain how wonderful they were, when a horrible thought occurred to me. Where was the FlyLady box? Then I realized it had been thrown into the dumpster, along with the other cardboard boxes, and with the water bottles and Rubba Scrubba still in it! Arrrrrgh!

My friend was nearly in tears at his mistake, especially as the dumpster was deep and we could not reach the box, .and I kept telling him that anybody can make a mistake, that he shouldn’t feel that way. But I knew, I KNEW we would manage to retrieve the box, And we did eventually, with the help of one the workers managing the site. And the opened box hadn’t emptied into the dumpster, so I haven’t lost ANYTHING! How is that for luck?  Now I am impatient to fill my water bottle and take it to work tomorrow!

I hope this little story will make you laugh, and thank you for your emails, especially the “morning musing” ones.

With much love
Laure, from France

FlyLady here: Thank you for a good laugh! I know how it is to accidentally throw things away.

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