October Habit #8 Paper Clutter Pledge

Dear Friends,

We have had so many of you take the Paper Clutter Pledge, I am so proud of you! I Wanted you all to know that you are not alone. Over 3000 people have sent us emails, and I am sure there are more of you that made the commitment to yourself and your family. Here are a few emails from FlyBabies that have taken the pledge:

This is my commitment to reduce my paper clutter and to deal with the paper as it comes into my home! This will keep it from becoming a pile of paper.

Thank you so much, Marla!  Your advice is taken to heart and I appreciate the additional motivation !!!
Yay, Star Wars movies!!!!

Blessed to be a blessing,
Nichole from Brooklyn


This is my commitment to reduce my paper clutter and to deal with the paper as it comes into my home! This will keep it from becoming a pile of paper.

I have already started with my girl scout paperwork. I wear many hats and a tote bag for each. I use my OIB for our regular meetings (I help the Cadettes and Seniors – 6th /10th grades) and have almost a matching tote bag for that. I also sew all patches on the vests. I keep track of Juliettes (girls with no troop – 3 school districts). I am also a school rep for 1 district. I help plan many events and have tons of paperwork for each “job”. Not to leave out I help out at my daughter’s school. But because of you I am always ready for anything.

Thank You so much!
Flybaby Janet


This is my commitment to reduce my paper clutter and to deal with the paper as it comes into my home! This will keep it from becoming a pile of paper.

I absolutely WILL finally get rid of all the owner’s manuals for things I don’t even own anymore!

FlyBaby Peggy


Hi Flylady

Looking forward to seeing what a difference I can make in my home. I’m a paper hoarder so this will be a challenge but with your help I will help my home to breathe again!

Vicky from Liverpool UK

This is my commitment to reduce my paper clutter and to deal with the paper as it comes into my home! This will keep it from becoming a pile of paper.


This is my commitment to reduce my paper clutter and to deal with the paper as it comes into my home! This will keep it from becoming a pile of paper.

I Commit to do this along with all the rest of us  and I will support you all as you support me .  Thanks for the worthwhile challenge that ultimately becomes another  kind, effective  and gentle way  to move towards more peace.

Yours in Fairhope, Al.,   Tab

Jump in where you are and take the Paper Clutter Pledge! Last week I had you write in your paper clutter stories or ideas. Please let us know how you are doing send us an email to flylady@flylady.net with the subject line GO ME.

FlyLady Rebecca

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