October Habit #24 Don’t Wait

Dear FlyLady,

I decided to get control of my electronic “paper clutter” this month as well. Just last weekend, I finally cleaned out the “Trash” file on my computer, and I’m going to set up a routine to empty the Trash folder every day. Hopefully once I have a routine for that, I can start cleaning out my other folders, too.

The other thing I have been doing with “real” paper clutter is, every time I file one statement (say, from the utility company), I shred an old one. Normally I let everything pile up, then spend hours shredding at tax time, but I’m determined not to let THAT happen again!!

Flapping and deleting in Mass.


FlyLady here:

Electronic clutter on our computers is something that can bog down the speed of our system, make things harder to find, and just generally cause chaos. It is a good idea to do this from time to time. Also, not waiting to shred old statements as new ones come in as a great way to keep paper clutter under control. Our Office in a Bag is such a wonderful place to keep current bills, statements, important records, etc. Our Fly Shop offers many tools to help you tame the paper monster! Keep FLYing through this clutter! You can do it!

Office in a Bag
Declutter Kit

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