The Lid Stays With The Bottle

Dear FlyLady,

The best thing about your water bottle is that the lid stays with the bottle!!!

Over time I have collected tones of water bottles and tones of lids and it is impossible to work out what lid goes with what bottle after a while. I don’t like to put the lids on the bottles and store them as they can get a musty smell and taste.

The kids get in the cupboard and the lids and bottles get pushed around. Pretty soon it’s a mess and I can’t work out if a bottle is missing a lid or a lid is missing a bottle till I sort it all out (again).

Good bye old bottles, into the recycling with you!!! Good bye to the sound of you all falling onto the floor, when my son searches for his favorite bottle but cannot find the lid.

Good bye to all the time spent sorting plastic and to all the room you took up.

Andrea in Narre Warren , Australia 


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